If your mental health is suffering because of the current pandemic, call HeadtoHelp now.
The sooner you talk about your mental health, the sooner you’ll get the help and support you need, to help you move forward and feel stronger.
A trained professional will take your call, give you advice, and if you need it, connect you to a free HeadtoHelp hub or help you find the support that suits your needs.
Please note that this is not a crisis service. For more information go to: headtohelp.org.au
Are you a parent, guardian or carer of primary aged children (5-12 years old)?
You are invited to take part in a project being conducted by the research team at the Centre for Mental Health, University of Melbourne, in partnership with Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Australia.
The research aims to understand what adults know and want to learn about childhood mental health problems. The research team are asking for participants to complete a one-off survey that takes about 15 – 20 minutes. The information you provide in the survey will help them decide if a Mental Health First Aid course for primary school aged children is needed. It will also help them to know how to develop one in the future.
To find out more about this research and access the survey click here.
If you have any questions please contact Dr. Laura Hart (Responsible Researcher) on ph: 8344 0612 or email: lhart@unimelb.edu.au
Is your child unwell? What you need to know.
One of the most important things we can do to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community is to stay at home when we are unwell. Even when we have the mildest of symptoms. This is especially important for students as they start to return to school over the next few weeks and months.
The fact sheet below has some useful information about what to do if your child is unwell. It was developed by the Department of Education and Training, Safer Care Victoria and the Department of Health and Human Services. Managing illness in schools and ECEC